Pokagon Potawatomi Black Ash Baskets: Our Storytellers
Pokagon Potawatomi Black Ash Baskets: Our Storytellers is now open in the second floor Shaw Gallery at the Logan Museum of Anthropology. The exhibit will feature handmade baskets by prominent members of the Pokagon band of Potawatomi, and a media piece that features Agnes Rapp and other basket makers at work.
The Logan Museum of Anthropology is honored to host Pokagon Potawatomi Black Ash Baskets: Our Storytellers, an exhibit developed and curated by Dr. John Low and the Field Museum of Chicago. For the Pokagon band of Potawatomi, basket weaving has a rich cultural history and plays an important role in identity and cultural continuity today. The exhibit goes beyond the history and utility of black ash baskets, exploring the connections between craft, federal recognition, tribal resilience, and the ongoing ecological threats to traditional ways of life for the Pokagon people.